Best Practices Surrounding Status Cards During COVID-19

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In response to questions received from First Nations members, citizens, and stakeholders, Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) is proactively sharing information to ensure that registered persons with a status card can access programs, services, rights and benefits during the COVID-19 pandemic.

All ISC offices for Indian status and secure status card applications are closed until further notice. Processing times, including return of original documents, are delayed.

In light of these circumstances, ISC is recommending to service providers that they should accept status cards or Temporary Confirmation of Registration Documents (TCRDs) past the renewal date with a second piece of identification. ISC will be reaffirming to businesses and service providers that Indian status does not expire, and that the registration number provided on these documents remains the same and is what is required to confirm eligibility for programs and services.

It is recommended to share this notice with your members, so that they have a copy accessible to them to show services providers in the event there are difficulties.

For more information, please visit Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Indigenous communities or email the Public Enquiries Contact Centre.

Click here for the PDF version of this notice