First 500 Doses of Vaccine to be Administered to Long-Term Care Home Residents

Peterborough, ON – Peterborough Public Health (PPH) and Peterborough Regional Health Centre (PRHC) are pleased to share that the first local supply of Moderna COVID-19 vaccine has been received.
The supply was delivered to PRHC this morning and administration of the vaccine to long-term care home (LTCH) residents is set to begin tomorrow, Tuesday, January 26. In alignment with provincial strategy, PRHC and PPH will work together to support the administration of the COVID-19 vaccine in our community. LTCHs and Retirement Homes deemed high-risk have been prioritized in the province as the population with highest risk for COVID-19 related complications. It is for this reason that LTCHs will be the first to receive the vaccine in Peterborough. There are no high-risk retirement homes in Peterborough.
Logistical planning for phase 1 of the vaccine rollout began in late December 2020. PPH and PRHC in collaboration with various other community groups are continuing this planning to expand immunization as supply allows. Communication on further expansion of COVID-19 immunization in Peterborough will be released as plans become finalized.
Learn more about Ontario’s COVID-19 vaccination program and the rollout of the vaccine locally by visiting